Trindade Island case directory

Kentaro Mori - [email protected]
Created on October 3rd, 2006

This work would not be possible at all without the contributions by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Luis Ruiz Noguez, Manuel Borraz, Timothy Printy, Martin Shough, Steuart Campbell, Rodolpho Gauthier, Cláudio Suenaga, the invaluable collaboration of a very kind source, and the help of many, many others.

Electronic reference material

- First print scans
From Claudeir Covo scans of first prints given to him by Almiro Baraúna in 1983. Kindly forwarded by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos.

- First print scans
From Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos

- SOBEPS slides
Digital prints of slides. Home-made scans. Kindly sent by Steuart Campbell.

- Trindade Island photos
Sent by a very kind source. Taken recently, and with reference to the correct names of the geographical features of this very confusing island.

- Caso da Ilha de Trindade
Aurélio Zaluar, "OVNI Documento", 1979. Thanks to Sérgio Berardinelli.

- Disco Voador sobrevoa o 'Almirante Saldanha'
João Martins' "O Cruzeiro", March 8, 1958 issue article on the Trindade case. Thanks to Steuart Campbell.

- UFO-Klassiker
Kim Møller Hansen UFO-NYT article. Thanks to Steuart Campbell.

- Emblemas e Sinais - Cláudio Suenaga
Excerpt from historian Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga's master degree thesis, "A Dialética do real e do Imaginário - Uma proposta de interpretação do fenômeno OVNI" (1998). In Portuguese.
Pages: 62, 63, 64 and 65.

- UFOs: A History, 1958 Supplemental Notes - Loren Gross (2003)
Graciously sent by Ballester Olmos. Pages 2-12.

Work done by the author regarding the photographs at the end of 2003 -- not updated since 2004:

- The Amazing UFO - 11.15 - revised on 11.22, 01.13
Comparison between the image of the UFO on first print hi res scans, following the work by Martin Powell. Also available in Portuguese.

- Impossible Double Exposure? - 11.19 - revised on 01.13
Simulation and considerations on the double exposure suggestion

- Ship's position - 11.27 - revised on 12.01, 12.02, 12.15, 01.13, 01.14
Considerations on the position of the ship.

- Photographer's position - 12.02 - revised on 12.15, 01.13
Considerations on the position of Barauna's positions relative to the ship

- Comparison between two first print scans from two sources - 11.27 - revised on 12.02, 12.18, 01.13
Cropping and distortion on first prints.

- Clouds - 01.13
Considerations on the clouds 

- Negatives, camera - 01.13
Considerations on the camera and film

- Barauna's contradictions
This compilation was just started, and is extremely incomplete.

(Much) Further work on external links:

- The Trindade Island Photographs
Martin Shough

- UFO over Trindade Island: Scientific evidence or trick photography?
Timothy Printy


- Panorama created from three different prints (Olmos, Covo and SOBEPS):

(Click to enlarge)